Monday, December 14, 2009

Summer with a Splash of Winter

I don't know about everyone else, but I tend to have a drink for each season. Yes, may strike you as weird, I know; but whatever. This summer I was introduced to the Icepick a refreshingly good mixed drink or Vodka and Iced Tea...very simple, this one is. I had the sudden urge to have one, but pondered creating something more seasonal with some warm spicy winteriness to it. Et voila, I created the Icicle! I had it cold, but without a doubt this would be awesome served hot as well.

2.0 ozs Bourbon
1.5 oz Domaine Du Canton Ginger Liquer
0.25 oz Honey
1 Pinch Ground Cloves
5.0 Tea, preferably well oxidized and unsweetened

For the cold version:
Dry stir the ingredients first to dissolve the honey, then add cracked ice, stir until chilled, pour into a glass. This is a fairly long boozy cocktail so use a big glass; and For garnish I think a lemonwheel would be ideal.

To heat things up a bit (this is where it gets tricky):
Use a THICK walled HEAVY glass preferably with a handle. Into the glass, place a METAL SPOON pour in hot water to fill. This step is important. The spoon will absorb the heat from the glass, thus decreasing the chances of the glass breaking; and the hot water will warm the glass so it won't chill the hot drink. Ever poured cold beer into a hot glass? Exactly, but it's the opposite. Dump the water from your glass, while leaving the spoon, pour in the heated tea and all the ingredients, give it a good stir, and serve.

I really like this one, it's got spice and complexity while being simple and easy. Hope you do, too. Down the hatch!

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